Under The Radar Enemies Of Green Regulation

The Waxman-Markey Climate Change bill was voted out of committee May 22, 2009, setting the stage for the first national climate change legislation in the United States.  A nice piece on it was done by Treehugger, here.

The Waxman-Markey bill sets up a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions. Some critics warn that it does not do enough to combat climate change, others complain that it costs too much (although I wonder how inexpensive they expect it to be to relocate residents of coastal areas from Maine to Florida, the Gulf Coast, California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and those poor souls in Hawaii). These challenges are in some ways expected--the usual challenges from the usual parties.  

What interests me more is the objections to climate change and green building regulations from unanticipated sources.  The Agricultural Lobby and even the House agriculture Chariman (a Democrat from Minnesota) are emerging as big challengers to the Waxman-Markey bill.  Sensing a threat to the ethanol juggernaut, Grist reports House Ag chair Collin Peterson (D.-Minn.) has been "threatening to derail Waxman-Markey unless the EPA completely backs off." 

Homeowner associations are another interesting source of opposition to green regulations and the implementation of green technologies.  Mark Pike at William & Mary wrote an interesting note about the situation and potential legal remedies here.

What do homeowners' associations and the Ag Lobby have in common? Vested interests.  New regulation inherently impinges upon someone's previously vested interests.  It is important to consider not only the obvious sources of opposition to green laws--like energy companies, traditional homebuilders, etc., but also those who have collateral interests in play.